Bio Clean
Waste is a big problem faced by mankind today. In our day to day life, we are generating different kinds of waste. We often mix different wastes together and discard them. This is finally collected and dumped in dump yards. The dump yards pose various challenges to the people and to the environment. The immediate serious challenge is foul smell. The wastewater that comes out from these dumps are often poisonous and contaminates our water bodies. Such dumps become a breeding ground for a variety of flies, mosquitoes, rats and dogs.
They create various inconveniences and problems for the people living near these dumps. Methane, a highly potent greenhouse gas which results to global warming is generated from these dump yards. Very often, these dump yards catches fire and the methane generated in the dump yard makes it difficult to control the fire. Burning of these waste materials will result in poisonous gases. The organic waste we are discarding is actually a carbon source. As per the law of nature, this carbon should reach the soil. The current dumping process of waste is preventing the carbon from reaching the soil.
The soil is therefore getting depleted of carbon and as a result, the soil is getting infertile. The infertile soil gives raise to unhealthy plants, which is always susceptible to diseases and pests. We need to use lot of harmful chemicals to protect these plants from diseases and pests. These harmful chemicals come back to us through food and water, which creates all kinds of health issues for man and animals. In such a situation, we are happy to introduce a simple and effective way of managing the organic waste at the source itself. Once the organic waste is safely managed, the remaining waste can be easily collected and recycled. The decentralized environment friendly solution is made possible by using an aerobic composting media.
The composting media namely Bioclean is a combination of clean coir pith and a consortium of aerobic composting microbes isolated from nature. The coir pith composting medium will absorb the moisture discharged from the organic waste and always maintain an aerobic environment, when it is mixed with organic waste. The aerobic microbes will break the biodegradable waste in an aerobic environment without foul smell and leachate. The compost generated from the process h e l p s to improve the soil health. The carbon rich compost generated helps to improve the organic carbon level in the soil. The organic carbon is the most important constituent of the soil, which helps the soil to be more healthy and organic. Carbon helps the soil to maintain optimum air water balance. The compost al so provides both micro and macro nutrients, which are very important for a healthy plant. Our product “Bioclean” is a highly efficient solid state aerobic fermentation media, which can convert biodegradable material into high value compost without any foul odor in 30-40 days.
BIOCLEAN is a highly efficient solid state aerobic fermentation media which can convert biodegradable waste into high value compost without any foul odor in 20-30 days time.BIOCLEAN is a unique composting media.This media is charged with perfect combination of naturally occuring safe and efficient aerobic composting microbes.
1.A Hassle free,convinient method permits us to process the organic garbage,even in a domestic environment,in a short time.
2.Absolutely No foul Smell.A biodegradable waste which is generating foul smell when introduced into the composting medium loose the foul smell immediately.
3.No Leachate during the process.
4.No flies when the moisture is maintained at an optimum level.
5.The compost generated by this media is a high quantity compost and has an important role to play in enhancing the soil fertility and it is an excellent growing medium which can be used in home gardens and organic vegetable and fruit cultivation.
1)Take 600ml water in a container that can hold 900g BIOCLEAN brick.Place the brick horizontally into the water in the container.Leave it for approx.2 hours.Keep the brick upside down
and pour another 600ml water.
2)Disintegrate the moistened brick manually after 2-3 hours.
3)Put the entire hydrated Bioclean media available from a 900gm Brick into the 1 Bin.
4)Add the Kitchen waste generated daily into the media and mix it into the media. Continue the filling process. We should not fill the bin to the brim. Leave 2 inches gap at the top.
5)Water may be sprinkled only when needed to maintain the optimum moisture for the efficient aerobic degradation.
- Dog and cat poop
- Glossy & coated paper
- Large branches
- Coconut shell & husk
- Coal fire ash
- Batteries
- Fruit juice cans
- Sticky labels on fruits
- Inorganic materials like plastic, metals etc.
- Glass
- Saw dust from treated wood
- Cooking oil
- Unused medicines
- Medical waste
- Sanitary napkins & diapers etc

Bioclean Medium 900g
BIOCLEAN and GROW is a highly efficient solid state aerobic fermentation media which can convert biodegradable material into high value organic manure without any foul odor in 20-30 days time. BIOCLEAN is a unique composting media. This composting media is charged with perfect combination of naturally occurring friendly and efficient aerobic microbes.
1. A hassle free, convenient method permits us to process the organic garbage, even in a domestic environment, in a short time.
2. No foul smell and no leachate.
3. No flies when the moisture is maintained at an optimum level.

Bioclean Medium 5kg
BIOCLEAN and GROW is a highly efficient solid state aerobic fermentation media which can convert biodegradable material into high value organic manure without any foul odor in 20-30 days time. BIOCLEAN is a unique composting media. This composting media is charged with perfect combination of naturally occurring friendly and efficient aerobic microbes.
1. A hassle free, convenient method permits us to process the organic garbage, even in a domestic environment, in a short time.
2. No foul smell and no leachate.
3. No flies when the moisture is maintained at an optimum level.

Biocomposter Bin
This system consists of 3 bins and each bin has a capacity of 22 Ltrs. The bins can be kept one above the other. Therefore minimum space is utilized by the system. The bins are made up of thick PP material and they are ventilated. The small holes on the sides of the container will permit effective air passage throughout the process. The bottom lid acts as an Ant trap when sufficient amount of water poured into it.
The composting media is a combination of clean coir pith and naturally occurring composting microbes. The coir pith composting medium will absorb the moisture discharged from the biowaste and always maintain an aerobic environment, when it is mixed with biowaste. The aerobic microbes will break the biodegradable waste in an aerobic environment without foul smell and leachate.

Bioclean & Grow Kit
The “Do it Yourself” Bioclean & Grow kit helps to compost the Bio waste ‘at-source’ and grow fresh and healthy food at home using the compost. The compost also helps to improve the soil health. The carbon rich compost generated helps to improve the organic carbon level in the soil. The organic carbon is the most important constituent of the soil which helps the soil to be more healthy and organic.
Carbon helps the soil to maintain optimum air water balance. The compost also provides both micro and macro nutrients which is very important for a healthy plant. This kit is designed to compost the biowaste generated in a domestic environment for a period of fifteen days.