Antagon - Trichoderma Viride
Antagon is a biological fungicide. The technical name is Trichoderma viride. A naturally occurring mycopathogenic (fungus antagonist) fungus that infects and limits the growth of plant pathogenic fungi. These formulations are specifically manufactured to enhance the mycocidal activity andbiological stability of the conidia.
The formulation helps to control the root, Rhizome, Stem, foot and collar rot, wilt and damping off diseases caused by phytopathogenic fungi to crop plats.

Biocure is biological fungicide. The technical name is pseudomonas fluoresens, a naturally occurring mycopathogenic bacterial antagonist that infects and limits the growth of plant pathogenic fungi. These formulations are specifically manufactured to enhance the mycocidal activity and biological stability. The formulation helps to control leaf, bud, rhizome and root rot, wilt, blast, sheath blight, stem bleeding, soya bean pustule, citrus canker etc. Pseudomonas available naturally in soil. These organisms are not harmful to the crop but inhibit the growth of other disease causing fungi.
Recommended Crops:
Banana, Cardamom, Pepper, Ginger, Rubber, Vanilla, Coconut, Groundnuts, Paddy, Pulses, Turmeric, Tomato and other Vegetable crops.

Bacigold - Bacillius Subtilis
Bacillius subtilis is a bacterium that is used as a fungicide. The bacterium colonizes the developing root system of the plant and thus competes with certain fungal disease organisms.
The formulation helps to prevents Damping –off, Powdery mildew, Sour rot, Downy mildew, early leaf spot, early blight, late blight, bacterial spot, and walnut blight diseases.and controls root pathogens such as Alternaria,Aspergillius,Fusarium,Pythium and Rhizoctonia.
Mode of action
It produces a class of lipopeptides including iturins.Iturins help Bacillius subtilis bacteria out-compete other microorganisms by either killing or reducing their growth rate.
It is effective bio-control agent against seed and soil borne disease.
It effective against Rhizoctonia solani ,Phythium Sp,Macrophomina phaseolina,Sclerotina Sp,etc
The bacteria also act as a biostimulant that enhances the establishment and the development of root system.
Recommended Crops
Pulses, Oil seeds, Sugarcane, Millets, Coconut, Cotton, Banana, Cardamom, Coffee, Rubber,Tea,Vanilla and all Vegetable crops and Horticultural crops
Method of application
Seed treatment -10 g/Kg of seeds and soak the seeds in water over night, decant the excess water and allow to sprout the seeds for 24 hrs and then sow.
Seedling root dipping – 2.5 Kg of inoculent for 1 ha seedlings in sufficient amount of water then dip the roots for at least 30 mts.
Foliar application – Spray 0.2 % concentration (2g/lit or I Kg/ha) commencing from 45 days after transplanting at 10 days interval for 3 times depending on disease intensity. If there is no disease incidence, a single spray is sufficient.